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Linden Hall Library: Short Fiction Project

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Database So Useful It Gets Its Own Box

Examine the many sides of today's hottest social issues. Explore pro/con viewpoints, articles, and infographics

Access is available through the Free Library of Philadelphia. Anyone who goes to school in Pennsylvania can sign up for a library card for free online. Use your Linden Hall address if your home is not in PA.
Please see Ms. Allegra for questions! 



Research Books & Databases

Google Scholar Search


Try using these keywords when searching for information about your topic:

  • Climate Change
  • Pollution
  • Environmental Degradation
  • Resource Depletion
  • Sustainability
  • Biodiversity
  • Air Quality Index
  • Conservation
  • EPA

Literary Journals:

Notable Organizations:


Try these keywords when searching for information about your topic:

  • Poverty
  • Affordable Housing
  • At-Risk of Homelessness
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Eviction Prevention
  • NIMBY (Not In My Backyard)
  • System Failures
  • Unsheltered/Unhomed
  • Transitional Housing

Notable Organizations:


Try using these keywords when searching for information about your topic:

  • LGBTQ+
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marriage Equality
  • Transitioning
  • Ally
  • Pronouns
  • Pride

Literary Journals:

Notable Organizations:


Try using these keywords when searching for information about your topic:

  • Feminism
  • Womanism
  • Gender Equality
  • Intersectionality
  • Gender Roles
  • Sexism
  • Patriarchy
  • Glass Ceiling
  • Wage Gap

Literary Journals:

Notable Organizations:


Try using these keywords when searching for information about your topic:

  • Refugee
  • Visa
  • Citizenship
  • Emigrate
  • Asylum Seeker
  • Border Governance
  • Migrant

Literary Journals:

Notable Organizations:

Disability Rights

Try using these keywords when searching for information about your topic:

  • Accessibility
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Ableism
  • Disability Inclusion
  • Identity-First Language

Literary Journals:

Notable Organizations:

Gun Violence

Try using these keywords when searching for information about your topic:

  •  Assault Weapons Ban
  • Second Amendment
  • National Rifle Association (NRA)
  • March for Our Lives
  • National Instant Criminal Background Check System
  • Open Carry
  • Mass Shooting

Literary Entries:

Notable Organizations:

Racial Justice 

Try using these keywords when searching for information about your topic:

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Cultural Appropriation
  • Decolonize
  • Implicit Bias
  • Prejudice
  • Social Justice
  • Intersectionality

Literary Journals:

Notable Organizations: