Gale Power SearchThis link opens in a new windowWhen you are off campus, you will need your POWER Library eCard Number to access this database.
High School EditionThis link opens in a new windowWhen you are off campus, this database requires you to log in with your Power Library eCard number OR Pennsylvania Public Library Card number.
Pop Culture StudiesThis link opens in a new windowWhen you are off campus, this database requires you to log in with your Power Library eCard number OR Pennsylvania Public Library Card number.
ale OneFile: Popular Culture Studies provides access to scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture. The database offers useful information for researchers in social science, history, art or liberal arts courses.
U.S. HistoryThis link opens in a new windowWhen you are off campus, this database requires you to log in with your Power Library eCard number OR Pennsylvania Public Library Card number.
Reference content, millions of news and periodical articles, and more than 5,500 rare and vital primary source documents that range from slave journals to presidential papers are aligned to curriculum and provide many options for an exploration of U.S. history.
World HistoryThis link opens in a new windowWhen you are off campus, this database requires you to log in with your Power Library eCard number OR Pennsylvania Public Library Card number.
Gale In Context: World History reaches back to the ancient world—and forward to today's headlines—to deliver a chronicle of the people, cultures, events, and societies that have formed the history of the human race. A range of topics such as Aztecs, Industrial Revolution, Silk Road, the Buddha, Space Race, and more provide a wide perspective across the globe.
World Digital LibraryLaunched in 2009, the World Digital Library (WDL) was a project of the U.S. Library of Congress, with the support of UNESCO, and contributions from libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations around the world.